Wednesday 10 September 2014

Think Good Thoughts

Repo games is probably my best T.V game show. For those who don’t know Repo games, it is a game show where people who haven’t completed their payments on their cars get a chance to answer three questions right out of five questions, if you fail your car gets repossessed. Sadly it doesn’t happen in Nigeria.  All the times I have watched it, people who lose have the same reactions; regret, anger, sometimes tears, some even beg,  a stripper once tried to give a show for her parents’ car to be returned.
But I found an exception; an Asian woman. It was clear she wasn’t going to win, she couldn’t even speak proper English, her enthusiasm died slowly as the game progressed and she realized she wasn’t going to have her car again.  When the team of Repo games was leaving she said “thank you Repo games, "you have my car, I don’t have to pay insurance and I don’t need to buy gas” and she invited the host to come to her restaurant. Not with sarcasm but with a clear mind. In her current state of lack of an automobile she looked for the bright side and decided to stand on that.

Upon seeing the reaction this woman I became sort of humbled, a lot of people when facing a terrible situation or a misfortune they begin to look for the reason why that shouldn't have happened, instead look for reasons why it happened , so you are broke, think about it as an avenue for you to work harder or save more next time , you have lost a loved one thank God it wasn't you who died, if you had lost your job be glad it isn't a kidney you are losing, if your dream partner breaks up with you see it as an opportunity to have a better person in your life. Every bad situation encountered has a positve side to it, all we have to do is look for it and you would definitely find it.
Most of the time we don't realise that we have the power to control our thoughts and the direction they take, whatever we think about our circumstance is what our emotions would reflect, When in a sad situation, if you think differently about how you feel you would feel better.
Another way to ensure a you have always have good thoughts that don't reflect the terrible situation you are in, is to banish people who their only job is to create sadness, some people are moving tragedies and they try to drag people into their world of sadness and grief. If you know such just fly far from them. The tenth law of The 48 laws of power states that we should avoid the sad and unlucky.
On a final note a blind man once gave some reasons why being blind is a good thing, the most profound reason he gave was "there's no race. I don't know from beauty. I know people from what comes from their mouths', and what's in their hearts'. In his situation he didn't look for a reason to hate the world or himself but he chose to focus on the positivity of his situation
"Imagine what the world would be if we just think good thoughts stop the bad the from feeding"Colbie Calliet

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