Thursday 20 April 2017

Job Hunting is a Job

I’d rather be just tired and not tired and bored, exhausted from the activity of nothing. And I used to think the saying, "busy doing nothing" was just that, a saying. My days are swallowed by the whale of idleness and in this large sea of whales I recognize a thousand like me, I would say hello but my lips are too tired from saying nothing. Social media is our meeting point, Twitter with her gist; thank you Sub Delivery Man, SJWs stop making our playground a melting pot of ticking bombs. Snapchat with her stories.

Thursday 13 April 2017

Dreams are not Battlefields

So you think you love him,
He makes you tingle in all the right places
And he springs you up from your abysses.
He is all the clichés that comes with the feeling of love,
Sweeping you in a whirlwind of fantasies may come true.