Sunday 24 September 2017

The Married Love of my Life

Yesterday, at exactly 8:15 she called me; interrupting my night beauty cleanse routine. Our names were not necessary to divulge, no need for niceties or the display of manners. We were partners of the same man, almost best friends in our combined knowledge of you. I had been expecting this call for three years.

Sunday 17 September 2017

Sweet Dreams

Three months sober and counting. 

I have dreams of you. Where you haunt me in the most delicious ways possible, I wake up parched, sweaty and needy. For every single one of these dreams I experience withdrawal symptoms, my day wasted from the activities of sleep that put me in a philosophical haze. 

Friday 19 May 2017


At home with my mother in the kitchen on a lovely afternoon preparing to bake a bread, after adding all the ingredients she said to me "Ify, this little yeast is important in baking a bread because it causes the bread to rise.
It is no wonder JESUS used it in a parable in Matthew 13:33(NLT)
Jesus also used this illustration: "The kingdom of God is like yeast a woman used in making bread. Even though she put only a little yeast in three measures of flour, it permeated every part of the dough",
The little yeast expresses the important of a person in the society or in the world and the impact that person has caused and what the person will be remembered for in the years to come.

Thursday 4 May 2017

I Killed Me

If they should ask I died of suicide. Make sure it is what you tell them when you call my parents and when people come for the funeral. Don't make a fuss; just say it as plainly and as blandly as it tastes in your mouth.
"She killed herself."

Thursday 20 April 2017

Job Hunting is a Job

I’d rather be just tired and not tired and bored, exhausted from the activity of nothing. And I used to think the saying, "busy doing nothing" was just that, a saying. My days are swallowed by the whale of idleness and in this large sea of whales I recognize a thousand like me, I would say hello but my lips are too tired from saying nothing. Social media is our meeting point, Twitter with her gist; thank you Sub Delivery Man, SJWs stop making our playground a melting pot of ticking bombs. Snapchat with her stories.

Thursday 13 April 2017

Dreams are not Battlefields

So you think you love him,
He makes you tingle in all the right places
And he springs you up from your abysses.
He is all the clichés that comes with the feeling of love,
Sweeping you in a whirlwind of fantasies may come true.

Sunday 26 February 2017

Sunday 19 February 2017


Today I saw my first love
In a cafe with overpriced cupcakes
And strange ice cream.
He looked well and my eyes who are
Trained to stare at him

Sunday 29 January 2017

Repeat Ourselves

 Let's try it again
You know, throw ourselves
Into that we both fear.
Armed with the knowledge of our doom

Sunday 15 January 2017


Nkonye she calls me;
Possessively owning me.
Placing powdery lips on my forehead
I push our chests closer together
As I wrap my arms around a skin of tyre.
My mother of two generations ago.

Sunday 1 January 2017


Last night my mother called;
"I have left your father" she said.
In that instant my fragile life cracked
But her voice stronger than never