Saturday 24 January 2015

Love Thine Own self.

He said he loved her
Like no other, do what another wouldn't do
Said he would forever have her etched in his memory
Just like a tattoo

Said his love couldn't fade even in eternity.
Promised to ever remain intoxicated in the essence that she was.
So she revelled in his love
Let the promise of his unending love drape
Her days and cloud her reasoning
She believed in the promise of forever
Had faith in the intangible workings of a human mind.
Until the haze of her high started to fade
The inebriation of her being began to dissolve in the wake of a new her
So she did what she did in the beginning
Replayed the moments, only she was the only one on the dates
Only one asking the beautiful questions
Only one who cared to ignite the embers of a dying love
She had long ago sunk deep into the warmth of a love that wasn't truly hers
Forgetting that the only love she needed was the one she had for herself
That's why in the beginning of the end disorder and a feeling of lost
Were her guardian angels
Tears her new lover and anger her constant companion,
Peace which she sought could only be achieved when she
Forgave and began to love once more;
Beginning with herself. 

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